It's decision time: The almighty will of parental government is, as we used to say, up your nose with a rubber hose: Whether you want it or not; whether it's prudent or not; whether it means sacrificing your
inalienable rights...or not. Accept...or deny?
Obamanization means throwing the rules out the window, along with the baby, the bathwater...and our fundamental freedoms. The laws protecting contracts; who needs them? Trillions of no strings attached dollars doled out for every known enterprise...and many of them dubious at best- no problem.
Cozying up to avowed terrorists - hell,
we are the terrorists! So, in comes the
Gitmo detainees to a street near you, and out goes candy and flowers to Mahmoud
Meanwhile, as the Chinese call for the
end of the Dollar, the masses yuk it up with Barry as he does the talk show circuit. As we've seen, out there on his own, he has trouble articulating the nuances of bailouts, stimulus plans and income redistribution. Not to say that the message is any better with the prompter lights on, it still sucks
huuuuuuge! Despite Mr.
Obama's glib approach, his plan is a big loser for all - including the mind numbed masses clamoring for change, change, change. And to think, we're only a couple of months into the abyss.
government...intervention, on the other hand,
apparently isn't an option. During the coronation campaign, Michelle Obama, our sainted First Lady, warned us that "Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual" (starting at about the
8:40 mark). They put it right there in our faces. They out and out promised the electorate an aggressive government. Mrs.
Obama's words render it hard to mistake the threat of
Liberal Fascism. And, now that that they are ruling, they are delivering.
Our "lives as usual", as Mother Michelle put it, has been replaced with an Juggernaut of crisis mongers, market killers and freedom robbers.
Orwellian Pigs are in control now and the trampling of freedom has begun. And boy are these pigs smart. At least that is what we are told. We are reminded daily by the slavish mainstream media of our need to follow the swine herd. These erudite boars see our dissent as an affliction born of ignorance. To the liberal elite, our knuckle dragging conservatism reveals our inner most greed infested mindset - our penchant for the horrors of individual freedom. You remember freedom...formerly known as "life as usual". ?
The government is here for you America. They stand ready to come for your guns, your profits, your choice of health care, etc. Will you...will
we have the guts to stand up and say no to the swine herd's tromp? Stay tuned.
To the right are my favorite blogs. These guys are the watchdogs of freedom...and there are many more like them. Read them all and stay vigilant.